Tom Givens
Owner, Founder, and Lead Trainer
After completing a 25-year career in law enforcement and specialized security work, Tom opened his own pistol range in Memphis, TN in 1996. For 18 years, it was the primary source of handgun carry permit certification for the greater Memphis area. Soon joined by his wife Lynn, the training duo formed Rangemaster Firearms Training Services to share their expertise with a much broader audience. They now travel across the country and around the world to arm responsible citizens with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively protect themselves and their families.
Tom has now been working in firearms instruction for over 50 years. He has trained security officers; law enforcement officers at the local, state, and federal level; and foreign government agents. Just a few of his credentials are listed below.
Education, Training, and Experience
- Graduate, NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Development School, and Law Enforcement Tactical Shooting Instructor School, attended multiple times
- Graduate, FBI Police Firearms Instructor School, FBI Certified Firearms Instructor
- Graduate, (Expert Certificate) Gunsite Training Center API 499, Jeff Cooper
- Graduate, U.S. Army Instructor School
- Graduate, Advanced Tactical Pistol, Tactical Explosives Entry School (TEES)
- Graduate, Ken Hackathorn Advanced Handgun Course
- Graduate, Chuck Taylor Advanced Handgun Course
- Graduate, John Farnam DTI Advanced Handgun Course (Instructor Certified)
- Graduate, CQB and Low Light Courses, Andy Stanford, OPS and Surefire Academy
- Certified Handgun Instructor, Tennessee, Department of Safety and Department of Commerce
- MS State Certified Instructor
- Adjunct Firearms Instructor, Memphis Police Academy
- Attended several Calibre Press Street Survival Seminars
- Author of six published textbooks, including Concealed Carry Class
- Author of over 150 magazine articles in S.W.A.T. Magazine, Combat Handguns Magazine, Concealed Carry Magazine, Soldier of Fortune, Peterson Handguns Magazine, and others
- Former Class A I.P.S.C. Competitor
- I.P.S.C. Tennessee/Mississippi Section Champion, 1977, 1978 – Class A rating (highest rating available at the time)
- I.D.P.A. Master rating in CDP, ESP, and SSP divisions
- 1998 Tennessee IDPA State Champion
- 1999 Mississippi IDPA State Champion
- Former Member IDPA Board of Directors
- Certified Expert Witness on Firearms and Police Firearms Training (state and federal court)
Professional Memberships
- National Rifle Association ( Life Member)
- Police Marksman Association (Life Member)
- American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers
- National Law Enforcement Trainers Association
- International Wound Ballistics Association
- International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors.
Tom has made hundreds of arrests, including numerous armed felons, and he has successfully used a handgun to defend himself and others against armed criminals. Tom designed and oversaw all training courses at his range, and he now does the same for RFTS all over the country and abroad.